May 31, 2016 | Latest News
For the past 8 months the Missing Medicines campaign has been calling on the UK government to support the establishment of a global R&D agreement to ensure we produce the medicines we all need at prices we can afford. Over 6,000 people have taken action and on...
May 26, 2016 | Latest News
Today Missing Medicines campaigners met up in Westminster to take some snaps to celebrate the 6,000 people who have take action as part of the Missing Medicines campaign in the last 8 months! Thanks to each person for their energy and dedication to achieving universal...
May 24, 2016 | Patient Stories, Uncategorized
In South Africa, thousands of people living with HIV are resistant to first line antiretrovirals, for them the combination drug liponovir/ritonovir is a vital lifeline. Khaya Mhkize (not real name) was diagnosed with HIV in 2010 and Thandi Shabangu was diagnosed in...
May 23, 2016 | Latest News
This week is the World Health Assembly where a resolution on Research and Development will be drafted and agreed upon by member states. This is a moment the Missing Medicines campaign has been working towards for quite some time with over 6,000 people taking action...
May 2, 2016 | Latest News
From May 2nd-4th the World Health Organisation’s Consultative Expert Working Group on R&D (CEWG) have held an open-ended meeting to discuss reforms to our current R&D model and address market failures that lead to diseases areas being ignored and...